Delivered a talk titled “ Literary Theories – A Critical Insight†at the International Visiting Lecture Series in the Course of English Learning for students of Madrash Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education Study Program (PGMI), Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagu, East Java, Indonesia.
(June 21, 2023 via Google Meet).
Delivered a talk titled “ Art Vs Post Modernism†at the Eleventh International Congress on Engineering, Architecture, And Design organized bu GUVEN GRUP PLUS, GPGD, Istanbul, Turkey. ( June 10, 2023 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk titled " Emerging Trends in Medical Humanities at the Fourteenth International Congress on Social Sciences- Humanities and Education organized by GUVEN GRUP PLUS, GPGD, Istanbul, Turkey.
Delivered a talk titled “Impact of Artificial Intelligence in the Curriculum†at the Ninth International Congress on Engineering and Technology Management organized by Guven Grup Plus, GPGD, Istanbul, Turkey. (April 30, 2023 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk titled “Gender Sensitisation and Stereotypes†at the Eleventh International Congress on Woman And Child Health And Education organized by ORP,GPGD, Istanbul, Turkey. (March 26, 2023 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk titled "Envisioning Post Modern Approaches" at the International Congress on Engineering and Sciences organized by GUVEN GRUP PLUS GPGD, Istanbul, Turkey. ( March 18, 2023 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk titled : Medical Humanities : An Emerging Phenomenon at the Sixth International Congress on Medical Sciences and Multidisciplinary Approaches organized by GUVEN GRUP PLUS GPGD, Istanbul, Turkey. ( March 11, 2023 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk titled " Literary Criticism and Theory" organized by Department of English, Eruditica Association, Dr.N.G.P. Arts and Science College (Autonomous), Coimbatore, Tamilnadu.
Delivered a talk titled “ Humanities Research – A Panoramic View†at the International Congress on Multidisciplinary Approaches to Social and Humanities Sciences organized by ORP, GPGD, Istanbul, Turkey.(February 18, 2023 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk titled “ Multitudes of Teaching : An Essential Prodigy†at the Fourth World Congress on Reconceptualize the University in its dynamic complexity of the Ontological , Epistemological, Methodological and Operational Aspects organized By UNACC- Mexico, Federico Villarreal National University, University of Experience and Universal Saber, College of Research and Teaching of Peru. (February 04, 2023 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk titled “ Foregrounding Language Through Virtual Reality†at the One Week Virtual FDP on Advance Trends in Innovative Teaching & learning Concepts organized by Annamacharya PG College of Computer Studies, Rajampet in Collaboration with Annamacharya Group of Educational Institutions (AITS Rajampet, AITS Tirupathi, AITS Kadapa). ( January 23, 2023 via Google Meet).
Delivered a talk titled “ Importance of Community Health†at the Eighth International Congress on Nutrition Obesity And Community Health organized by GUVEN GRUP PLUS ORP GPGD, Istanbul, Turkey. (December 22, 2022 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk titled “ Showcasing Fat Studies†at the Seventh International Congress on Healthy Life organized by GUVEN GRUP PLUS ORP GPGD, Istanbul, Turkey. (December 17, 2022 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk titled “ Envisioning Medical Humanities†at the Second International Congress on Innovative Approaches in Medical and Health Sciences organized by GUVEN GRUP PLUS ORP GPGD, Istanbul, Turkey. (December 16,
2022 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk titled “ Foregrounding Epistemic Violence : A Bird’s Eye View†at the Seventh International Congress on Violence and Gender organized by GUVEN GRUP PLUS ORP GPGD, Istanbul, Turkey. (December 11, 2022 via
Delivered a talk titled “ Multitudeness in Literary Research†at the Thirteenth International Congress on Social Sciences – Humanities and Education organized by GUVEN GRUP PLUS ORP GPGD,Istanbul, Turkey. (December 01, 2022 via
Delivered a talk titled “ Women Education and Empowerment†at the Tenth International Congress on Woman And Child Health And Education organized by GUVEN GRUP PLUS ORP GPGD, Istanbul, Turkey. (November 19, 2022 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk titled “ Envisioning Career Opportunities†at the Seventh International Congress on Academic Student Studies Congress organized by GUVEN GRUP PLUS ORP GPGD, Istanbul, Turkey. (November 17, 2022 Via Zoom).
Delivered a talk titled “Literariness in Sports Literature†at the Third International Congress on Multidisciplinary Approach to Sports and Social Sciences organized by GUVEN GRUP PLUS ORP GPGD, Istanbul, Turkey. (November 10, 2022 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk titled “ Foregrounding Complexities in Multidisciplinary Researchâ€at the Third International Congress on Paradigms and Complexity and approaches of Multidisciplinary Research and University Thesis, organized by University of Experience & Universal Knowledge Peru & Research and Teaching College of Peru & Federico Villarreal National University, 5 November 2022 via Zoom.
Delivered a talk titled “Usage of Citation Metrics and also the Mechanism of Plagiarism Software†at the One Day National Seminar on Research Methodology: An Interdisciplinary Approach , organized by Department of English, Bishop
Caldwell College, 1 November 2022 , Tamilnadu, India.
Delivered a talk titled “Emanicipation of Literary Voices†at the Sixth International Congress on Nursing And Innovation , organized by GUVEN GRUP PLUS, ORP GPGD, Istanbul, Turkey. (October 22, 2022 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk titled “ Foregrounding Multitudeness in Medical Humanities†at the Fifth International Congress On Medical Sciences and Multidisciplinary Approaches,organized by GUVEN GRUP PLUS, ORP GPGD, Istanbul, Turkey (October 08, 2022 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk titled “Eco Diaspora†organized by Department of English and Foreign Languages, Mother Teresa Women’s University, Kodaikanal, Tamilnadu India. (September 20, 2022 via Google Meet).
Delivered a talk titled “ The Teacher As Researcher : The Importance of Investigation And Publishing†organized by Teachers Forum 2022, International English Language Teachers Association, USA. (September 03, 2022 via Zoom).
. Delivered a Keynote Address titled “Medical Humanities†at the First International Congress on Innovative Approaches in Medical and Health Sciences organized by GUVEN GRUP A.S., ORP GPGD Istanbul, Turkey. ( August 13, 2022 via Zoom).
Delivered a Keynote Address titled “Foregrounding Multidimensionalities in Research : A Paradigmatic Shift†at the 2nd Asia Pacific Conference On Multidisciplinary Research organized by International Organization of Educators
And Research INC, Philippines. ( July 31, 2022 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk titled “ Quality Education- SDG 4†at the All Lives Do ExistGlobal Peace Sustainable Development Goals Summit 2022 organized by CaligirlBooks LLC Company, USA. (June 04, 2022 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk titled “How Emotional Intelligence Develops your Knowledge Acquisition?†at the Virtual International Conference on Emotional Intelligence for Learners & Teachers organized by International Internship University, IELTA, Third School of Adam Mickiewicz. ( June 09,10,11, 2022 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk titled “ Importance of Good Health†at the Seventh International Congress on Nutrition Obesity And Community Health organized by GUVEN GRUP A.S., ORP GPGD Istanbul, Turkey. ( May 28, 2022 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk titled “Tips for Cracking Job Interviews†at the Career Guidance, Placement & Training Centre, Nazareth Margoschis College At Pillaiyanmanai, Nazareth-628617.
Delivered a talk titled “Envisioning Literariness Through Literary Research†organized by Department of English, Nazareth Margoschis College At Pillaiyanmanai, Nazareth-628617. (May 13, 2022).
Delivered a Keynote Address titled “ Empowerment of Women : A Critical Appraisal†organized by GUVEN PLUS GRUP A.S., ORP GPGD Istanbul, Turkey. (May 07, 2022 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk in the First International Virtual Webinar on the topic “Enhancing the Hidden Nuances of Language through Literature†organized by National University of Frontera, Sullana- Piura- Peru.( May 06,2022 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk at the World Peace Summit 2022 on the topic “Quality Education†organized by Vishwa Humanity United International Royal Council: Registered under Ministry of Corporate Affairs (L.No: 125718) , Government of India
Delivered a talk titled “ Flipped Classroom – A Necessity†at the World Congress organized by the Peru Research and Lecture College and UNEXSU.
Delivered a talk in an International Webinar titled “ Re-Defining Unheard Literary Sensibilities†organized by IELTA Pakistan. (April 30, 2022 via Zoom ).
Delivered a Keynote Address titled “ Effective Tips for Career Planning†organized by GUVEN PLUS GRUP A.S., ORP GPGD, Istanbul, Turkey. (April 24, 2022 via Zoom).
. Delivered a Keynote Address titled “Element of Social Consciousness in Sports Literature†organized by GUVEN PLUS GRUP A.S., ORP GPGD, Istanbul, Turkey. (April 09, 2022 via Zoom).
Delivered a Keynote Address titled “ Literature, Health, Humanities†organized by GUVEN PLUS GRUP A.S., ORP GPGD, Istanbul, Turkey. ( March 26, 2022 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk titled “Spiraling Literary Studies Through Interdisciplinary Approaches†organized by Research Department of English, Thanthai Periyar Government Arts and Science College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu.
Delivered a Keynote Talk Titled “Multitudes in Interdisciplinary Research†organized by GUVEN PLUS GRUP A.S., ORP GPGD, Istanbul, Turkey. (March 19, 2022 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk titled “Mechanism and Nuances in Drafting a Literary Thesis†organized by Department of English and Foreign Languages, Research And Extension Centre, Coimbatore, Mother Teresa Women’s University Kodaikanal. (March 08, 2022 via Google Meet).
Delivered a Keynote Address titled “Literary Research : Hidden Nuances†at Third International Conference on Impact of Language And Literature On Social Development of Human (ICILLSD-2022) organized by International Research and Development Centre for Publication, IRDCP Malaysian Division. (March 06,2022 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk titled “Pandemic Literature and New Paths†at Diplomado Mundial Titled Prospectiva De La Educacion organized by the Peruvian College of Research And Teaching of Peru, Peru. (February 25, 2022 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk titled “Re-Imagining the Concept of Home: Schizophrenic Consciousness in Derek Walcott’s Dream on Monkey Mountain†organized by PG And Research Department of English & Reading Club – Student Forum Series- Session 21 , Providence College for Women (Autonomous) Springfield, Coonoor, Tamilnadu. ( February 08, 2022 via Google Meet).
Delivered a Keynote Address titled “Exploring Educational Boundaries†at the Fifth International Congress on Academic Student Studies Congress organized by Guven Plus Grup A.S. & ORP & GPCD, Istanbul, Turkey. (December 18, 2021 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk at the National Level Workshop on “Ethics of Research Publication in UGC CARE Listed Journals for English Language & Literature†organized by School of Liberal Arts, Department of English & English Research Forum, KPR College of Arts Science and Research, Avinashi Road, Arasur, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu. (December 16, 2021 via Zoom).
Delivered a Keynote Address titled “Work Ambience & Harmony†at the Seventh International Congress on Occupational Safety and Health organized by Guven Plus Grup A.S. & ORP & GPCD, Istanbul, Turkey. (December 14, 2021 via Zoom).
Delivered a Keynote Address titled “Literary Studies : An Imminent Retrospection†at the Eleventh International Congress on Social Sciences- Humanities and Education organized by Guven Plus Grup A.S. & ORP & GPCD, Istanbul, Turkey.(December 13, 2021 via Zoom).
Delivered a Keynote Address titled “ Manifesting the Unheard Muted Voices of Women†at the Eighth International Congress on Woman Child Health And Education organized by Guven Plus Grup A.S. & ORP & GPCD, Istanbul, Turkey. ( December 08,2021 via Zoom).
Delivered a Keynote Address titled “Post Modern Architecture : Refurbishing Phenomenon†at the Eighth International Congress on Engineering, Architecture And Design organized by Guven Plus Grup A.S. & ORP & GPCD, Istanbul, Turkey. (December 06, 2021 via Zoom).
Delivered a Keynote Address titled “ Fat Studies: An Emerging Discourse†at the Sixth International Congress on Nutrition Obesity And Community Health organized by Guven Plus Grup A.S. & ORP & GPCD, Istanbul, Turkey. (December 04, 2021 via Zoom).
Delivered a Keynote Address titled “Unmasking The Misplaced Identities†at the Third International Congress on Medical Sciences And Multidisciplinary Approaches organized by Guven Plus Grup A.S. & ORP & GPCD Istanbul, Turkey. (December 02, 2021 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk titled “ Unification of Educational Practices†at Fifth Congreso Intercontinental titled Educacion Integradora De la Naturaleza Humana, El Nanomundo Y El Macromundo organized by College of Research and Teaching of Peru, Peru. (November 30,2021 via Zoom).
Delivered a Keynote Address titled “Benchmarking and Leadership†on Seventh International Congress on Economy Administration And Market Surveys organized by Guven Plus Grup A.S. & ORP & GPCD, Istanbul, Turkey. ( November 29, 2021 via Zoom).
Delivered a Keynote Address titled “Celebrating Fragmentation: A Displaced Phenomenon†on Sixth International Congress on Healthy Life organized by Guven Plus Grup A.S. & ORP & GPCD Istanbul, Turkey. (November 26, 2021 via Zoom).
Delivered a Keynote Address titled “Foregrounding Different Multitudes in Social Sciences Research†on First International Congress on Multidisciplinary Approach to Sports and Social Sciences organized by Guven Plus Grup A.S. & ORP & GPCD Istanbul, Turkey. (November 25, 2021 via Zoom).
Delivered a Keynote Address titled “Showcasing Unheard Truths†on Sixth International Congress on Violence And Gender organized by Uluslararasi Farkli Siddet Boyutlari Ve Toplumsal Algi Kongresi, Istanbul, Turkey. (November 11,
2021 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk titled “Research Ethics : A Conscientious Phenomenon†in an International Webinar entitled “Educational Strategies During Pandemic†organized by Pedro Ruiz Gallo National University & Civil Scientific Association “Think
Different†,Peru. ( October 31, 2021 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk titled “Pedagogical Approaches – A Blended Learning†organized by Linguistics and Pedagogy Webinars (Independent Project). (Oct 22, 2021 via Zoom).
Had been Invited as a Guest Speaker at the International Virtual Conference: NGO Management took place on 17 October 2021 via Zoom.
Delivered a talk titled “ Education through self revelation†at IV CONGRESO INTERCONTINENTAL EDUCACION ESPIRIRTUAL: PERSPECTIVES SOBRE LA EXTINCTION Y TRASCENDENCIA DE LA VIDA, DESDE LA CONCIENCIA DEL AQUIY EL AHORA organized by Peruvian Research and Teaching College. (Sep 30, 2021 via Zoom).
Had been the Panelist on the topic “Communication & Professional Development†organized by Rustle of Book Club. (25-09-2021 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk titled “ Equating Equality in Early Childhood Education†at the PRIMER CONVERSATORIO INTERACINAL PRINCIPOS, VALORES Y TOMA DE DECISIONES: SOLUCIONES PARA LA CRISIS EDUCATIVA PRIMERIA INFANCIA organized by Peruvian Research and Teaching College. (Sep 24, 2021
via Zoom).
Delivered a talk titled “Sports Literature†at the Tenth International Congress on Social Sciences- Humanities And Education organized by Katilim Belgesi , Istanbul, Turkey. ( Sep 16, 2021 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk titled “ Holistic Education : A Blended Corporeality†at the Fifth Seminario Intercontinental UN NUEVO PARADIGMA DE LA REALIDAD: DESARROLLO DE LA CONCIENCIA Y LA NATURALEZA HOLONICA DE LA REALIDAD organized by Peruvian Research and Teaching College. (Aug 28,2021 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk titled "INDIAN DIASPORA LITERATURE" in an International Webinar organized by the Nelkuali Centro de Evaluacion Educativo y de Competencias Profesionales de Hidalgo CEECPH, S.C
Delivered a talk titled "Tips on Avoiding Plagiarism & Mechanism of Plagiarism Software" organized by Research & Development Cell, GTN Arts College (Autonomous), Dindigul, Tamilnadu in Collaboration with ESN Publishers, (July 19, 2021 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk titled " Educating the Educators : A Paradigmatic Shift" at the Second Intercontinental Congress on From the Present Predicting and Implying Future Developments: Human Being, Education and Sustainable World, organized by Peruvian Research and Teaching College. (July 02, 2021 via Zoom)
Delivered a talk titled “ Literary Research : A Critical Snippet†at the First Intercontinental Congress: Experiences and Proposals on Multidisciplinary Research and Creative Teaching, organized by College of Research and Teaching of Peru. (May 13, 2021 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk in an International Webinar titled Subaltern Studies : A Critical Inquiry organized by the Nelkuali Centro de Evaluacion Educativo y de Competencias Profesionales de Hidalgo CEECPH, S.C. (April18, 2021 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk titled "Protest Poetry" at the BARDS Club, Research Department of English, St. Joseph"s College (Autonomous), Tiruchirapalli, Tamilnadu, India. Click to Watch Video
Delivered a talk in an International Webinar titled "Re-Reading & Re-Locating The Truth organized by the Nelkuali Centro de Evaluacion Educativo y de Competencias Profesionales de Hidalgo CEECPH, S.C.
Delivered a Keynote Address titled "Diaspora Literature: A Panoramic View" at the First International Congress on Education, Health and Emotions organized by the Joint Powers: Greece & Latin America, The English Academy of Languages, Nelkuli Centro de Evaluacion Educativo y de Competencias Profesionales de Hidalgo CEECPH, S.C.
Delivered a talk titled “ Lateral Thinking: Need of the Hour†at the Global Education & Training Institute, India, (February 5, 2021 via Streamyard).
Delivered a Keynote Address titled “Exile Testimonio†at the Eighth International Congress on Social Sciences- Humanities And Education organized by Katilim Belgesi ,Istanbul, Turkey. (December 23, 2020 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk in the International Webinar titled “Assisting Pre-Service Teachers – Develop their teaching potential†organized by Without You Foundation, Abia State, Nigeria. (December 16, 2020 via Streamyard).
Delivered a Keynote Address titled “ Women & Migration†at the Fourth International Congress on HEALTHY LIFE organized by Sakarya Uygulamali Bilimer University, Istanbul. (December 03, 2020 via Zoom).
Delivered a Keynote Address titled “Exile Testimonio : A Critical Perspective†at the ESN International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research And Innovation (ICMRI-2020) organized by ESN Publications & Universal Digital University-USA. (September 03 ,2020 to September 09, 2020. Via Zoom).
Delivered a talk in the Webinar Learning Session titled “Food Literature†organized by the Oriental Institute of Catering Technology & Hotel Management, Madurai. (July 24, 2020 via Zoom).
Delivered a talk in the Webinar Learning Session titled “ Transcending Communication Roadblocks†organized by the Oriental Institute of Catering Technology & Hotel Management, Madurai. (July 21, 2020 via Zoom)
Delivered a talk in An International Webinar (Lecture Series) –
Literary Paradigms titled “Testimonio: A Rendering of
Dehumanization†organized by Arulvakku Trust & Skillit .(June 10,
2020, Session-I via Google Meet)
“Cultural Studies†(January 04, 2020) A Subject Expert
Lecture at the PG-Department of English Cauvery College for Women
(Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli-620 018
“Analysing Poems†(October 24, 2019) Student
Enrichment Programme at the Department of English Government Arts College, Kulithalai-639120.
“Importance of Life Skillsâ€(August 26,2019) National
Service Scheme at Popes College (Autonomous), Sawyerpuram- 628 251.
Inauguration of U.G. & P.G. Associations & Penlita,
Popes English Literary Association (August 26, 2019) at the Department of
English, Popes College( Autonomous), Sawyerpuram-628 251.
Delivered a talk on “Career Development Skills†(October 20,2017) Mani Higher Secondary School P.N. Palayam Coimbatore- 641 037
“Emerging Facets of English Literature†(April 4,2017)
Literary Association Function at the Department of English Government
Arts College, Kulithalai-639120.